Teacher: Mary Burgess

Email: mburgess@blessedsacramentschool.net


My name is Mrs, Mary Burgess. I am a 1978 graduate of Blessed Sacrament. I graduated from the College of St, Rose for both Bachelors and Masters Degrees. I have always wanted to be a teacher, I even had a classroom set up in my cellar as a child! I enjoy a combination of project based leaning mixed with old school drill.

The goals for fourth grade students include demonstrating increased responsibility for learning, managing time well, setting appropriate achievement goals, and beginning to understand their own learning styles. Fourth graders, as lifelong learners and problem solvers, are expected to be active and critical thinkers while working cooperatively with their peers.

I engage in ongoing assessment of each child’s learning needs. I also respond to individuals’ unique learning styles and developmental timelines. I will often tailor student or group assignments to match particular strengths and needs of students.

In fourth grade, students focus most on using all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division – to solve multi-step word problems involving multi-digit numbers. Fourth-grade math extends their understanding of fractions, including equal (equivalent) fractions and ordering fractions

The 4th grade language arts program has two primary goals: making sure the students understand what he/she is reading and being able to communicate ideas clearly. A fourth grader will be comprehending a wide range of written texts, from articles to poems. They will also learn to summarize what they have read and share it using supporting details, facts, and examples.

In Social Studies the focus is on learning about New York State. We also spend a great deal of time discussing and analyzing maps, charts and graphs .

Science is divided into Units. We learn about Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, Matter and Forces. The vocabulary is more difficult and there will be many new topics will be introduced.

I look forward to working with your student this year!

Contact information:
Email mburgess@blessedsacramentschool.net

Google Classroom code raas3oa

2024-2025 School Supply List

  • 100 Ticonderoga or Target Up & Up pencils
  • 1 roll masking tape
  • 1 package baby wipes
  • Colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • 1 black Sharpie
  • 1 Dry Erase Marker
  • 1 sock
  • Thin markers
  • 1 box of quart size freezer bags
  • 1 box of gallon size freezer bags
  • 3 glue sticks
  • 1 set of headphones in Ziploc bag