Teacher: Mrs. Clorissa Whitman
Email: cwhitman@blessedsacramentschool.net
My name is Mrs. Clorissa Whitman and I have been teaching third grade at BSS for 6 years! I went to BSS just like each of you along with many members of my family. BSS feels like home to me and I am so excited for this school year with each of you. I live just outside of Albany and I am married and have two children at home a boy and a girl. We love the beach and to spend time together as a family.
The jump from second grade to third grade can be quite challenging for many students. We truly begin to foster their independence and self awareness.
We will be transitioning from addition and substation to multiplication and division. There will be a great emphasis on multiplication. I cannot stress enough the importance of each child truly understanding the fundamentals of this, that includes working with them at home to reinforce the skills they have learned in the classroom.
We will also take a deeper dive into science by learning properties of matter, weather, and so much more, and in social studies using new found writing skills.
We are going to have a fun and productive year in third grade and I look forward to working with each of your children!
Assessment Policy
Tests will be given on Friday’s
Every Friday will be a spelling and reading test
Every Other Friday a math test will be given
Periodically science and social studies quizzes will happen.
Homework Policy
Homework will be given every Monday and will be due Tuesday-Friday. Monday will be spelling Tuesday will be spelling Wednesday will be math Thursday will be math **No late homework is accepted. Homework counts as a participation grade.**
Specials Class Schedule
- Monday – Tech and PE
- Tuesday – Spanish, Music, and Library
- Wednesday – Art
- Thursday – Spanish
- Friday – Tech
2024 – 2025 School Supply List
- 5 Folders
- 2 packs of pencils
- 2 packs of markers
- Scissors
- 4 Glue sticks
- 2 bottles of Elmer’s liquid glue
- Zip lock bags (boys gallon, girls sandwich)
- $10 classroom activity fee
- 4 pink Erasers
- 1 pack construction paper
- 1 zip Pencil case
- 1 black sharpie
- 4 expo markers
- 1 sock
- 1 T-Shirt (for art smock)
- 1 set of headphones in a Ziploc bag