Teacher: Kim Wilson
Email: kwilson@blessedsacramentschool.net


Hi! I am Mrs. Wilson, and I teach 2nd grade here at BSS. I starting teaching 3rd grade here, 18 years ago, and then moved down to 2nd grade after 4 years. I have 2 children of my own, one going into 4th grade and one going into 1st grade. They love coming to visit BSS any chance they get, and participating in all the events, even though they do not go to school here. That’s what’s great about BSS, we are a family! I enjoy teaching students how to read, or become stronger readers. I hope that I have the pleasure to teach your child while I am here. Welcome to the BSS family!!

Curriculum Overview

I teach all content areas, including reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and religion. We focus on all early reading skills including phonics, phonemic awareness, then comprehension, grammar, and word study. In math, we learn addition and subtraction strategies, fluency with addition and subtraction facts, regrouping across double digit addition and subtraction, and foundations of measurement, data, and geometry. In religion we focus on prayer, introduction to all the sacraments, as well as preparing for First Reconciliation and Eucharist.

Assessment Policy

I use exit tickets, informal assessment (observation), formal assessments (tests and quizzes), and classwork participation

Homework Policy

Students will get a weekly homework packet, including word study and math fluency practice.

Specials Class Schedule

  • Monday – Technology & Physical Education
  • Tuesday – Technology, Library & Music
  • Wednesday – Spanish
  • Thursday – no specials
  • Friday – Spanish & Art

2024-2025 School Supply List 

  •  1 dozen sharpened pencils 
  • 1 pack of large pink erasers
  • 2 bottles of white glue
  • 1 pack of glue sticks
  • 1 pair of safety scissors
  • 2 zipper/cloth (vinyl) pencil boxes
  • 4 PLASTIC folders
  • 1 pack of THIN dry erase markers
  • $5 in an envelope with your child’s name on it for class projects
  • 1 set of headphones in a Ziploc bag