Teacher: Mrs. Barbara O’Kane
Email: bokane@blessedsacramentschool.net
My name is Mrs. Barbara O’Kane. I have been teaching in the Archdiocese of NY since 1986, and hold a degree in early childhood education. I am the parent of three children myself, and have 9 grandchildren, so children are and always will be a part of my life.
Students will learn the following:
- Reading/ELA
- Sound of short and long vowels
- A, I, O, E, U nouns
- Proper nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Sentences
- Characters, Setting, Plot, Main Idea, Details in stories
- Religion
- Creation
- The Bible
- God Loves Us
- Jesus, the Son of God
- Mary, the Mother of Jesus
- The Holy Spirit
- The Church
- Math
- Addition Facts to 10
- Subtraction Facts to 10
- Fact Families
- Measurement and Length
- Place Value
- Addition and Subtraction to 20
- Data and Graphs
- Geometry
- Equal Shares
- Time
- Students will use Google Classroom this year. Google Classroom Code: pj4ez7i
Assessment Policy
Students will be graded on Classwork, Homework, Quizzes, and Tests.
Homework Policy
Homework will be assigned every night, except Fridays. Homework will be sent home in their homework folder, please make sure the homework is put back in the folder and returned to school the next day. On Friday your child will be sent home with their Schoolwork/Test Folder. Please take out all papers and then return the empty folder on Monday with your child.
Specials Class Schedule
- Monday – Technology & Physical Education
- Tuesday – Library, Spanish & Music
- Wednesday – Technology & Art
- Thursday – Spanish
2024-2025 School Supply List
- 1 large backpack
- 1 pencil case
- 1 box of colored pencils (24 count)
- 1 bottle of Elmer’s white glue
- A pack of glue sticks
- 1 pair of Fiskars children’s scissors (rounded tip)
- 5 plastic folders different colors
- 1 ruler with centimeters and inches
- 1 box of FINE TIP Crayola classic colored markers (10 count)
- 1 set of headphone in a ziplock bags
- Activity fee $5.00 in a labeled envelope for special projects throughout the year
→ The supplies listed below will be shared in the classroom. Therefore, it is not necessary to label these supplies with your child’s name.
- 36 YELLOW #2 pencils SHARPENED AND READY TO WRITE (no mechanical pencils, please)
*Ticonderoga or Target Up & Up brands work best. They are durable and sharpen well.
- 1 pack of black dry erase markers fine tip
- 1 pack of chisel tip dry erase markers